Monday, September 17, 2012

Darrell Lee's Fine Chocolate

I had just consumed some lunch and stood dumbfounded in my kitchen. I still had about 15 minutes left of break before I had to head back to work and I didn’t know what to do with myself.
 The quiet calm of the house was suddenly disturbed when I heard a deep rumbling in the distance…from the sound of it, a major thunderstorm was headed my way.
Wait…no…I could feel that…it was no storm.  It was hunger. My tilapia lunch was hardly satisfying and it left my stomach angry. It was begging—no, demanding I ingest more food—something a little more appetizing than fish.
Oh yes. The unmistakable craving had struck me. The sweet, declious mistress was calling me to her. 
I present to you "Darrell Lee's Fine Milk Chocolate"..and this is where my blogging becomes much more...uninspired. I had high hopes for this chocolate bar and I warn you now--this item did not live up to my expectations.
One doesn't just put "Fine" on the package unless it is a quality product. It was a package of lies. I wanted to be able to enthusiastically blog today, but it looks like it's not going to happen.
So instead, here's a brief synopsis of how things went down:
I opened the package and broke off a piece of the bar. I suspect it usually looks a bit more presentable than this:

Transport was not kind to the chocolate.
Honestly, there's nothing I can really say about this chocolate. It was essentially a Hershey's Bar in Darrell Lee disguise. I didn't hate it, but I didn't enjoy it, either. I ended up offering the rest of it to Hubs.
All and all, I give this chocolate a rating of "meh." I am hoping the Iced VoVo's I intend to eat later render a much more positive reaction.

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