Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Card in the Mail

I was tired, hungry, and disgruntled. My earlier visit to the gym left me looking pretty shabby in my sweat pants and untamed hair. Baby hadn't yet gone to sleep and, until he did, this meant no dinner for me. I sat with him supported by my left arm on the couch while my right hand held his bottle firmly in his mouth. I waited as his rhythmic sucks slowed and he drifted off in my arms. A store bought rotisserie chicken sat on the coffee table; tempting was she with her glistening, crisp skin. I must get this baby in his crib, I thought. I needed my hands free to devour my dinner at last.

I quickly laid Baby down. His heavy sigh upon his placement in bed made me stiffen with fear as I waited to see if he would rest or scream. After a strong exhale, Baby relaxed and let his body go limp as sleep took him over.

The chicken was finally mine.

I sat on the edge of the couch and dug into the greasy bird. Hubs watched with concern as I ate like a prison inmate--pulling scraps of meat from bones without the assistance of any pesky utensils. It was good--delicious, even--but it could not pull me from my funk.

 I sat back against the couch. It was early still...but not too early. I could get away with going to bed now, but I don't know if my brain would let me rest quite yet. Baby didn't sleep too much today...I had to wonder if he would be waking up at a normal time in the morning or...

"Babe", Hubs said, disrupting my train of thought. "This came for you today." He handed me a pink slip that had been affixed to our front door while we were at work.
 I knew instantly what the gem was. My package. This wasn't any old package of goods. This was THE package of goods, straight from Australia. It had finally arrived. Excitement filled my every being.

IT'S JUST DOWN THE STREET, A MERE 3 MINUTE DRIVE--but alas, I cannot obtain this package today! The post office has long since closed. And so I will sit, waiting with much anticipation until my lunch break tomorrow. I will venture to the post office then and finally retrieve the box I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of for weeks.

Tomorrow, tomorrow...