Monday, September 10, 2012

Tim Tams -- Chewy Caramel

The Dark Chocolate Tim Tams grew on me. After posting my evaluation of them on this blog, I decided to give the Tim Tams another try the other day. So I ate one again...and again...and soon I had emptied the entire package (sharing only a couple with Hubs). I couldn't stop eating them, their addictive crunchiness calling me back for more. I was sure this was going to be the gem of my care package.

And then I found happiness with a new love.

Let me be honest with you folks. I wasn't planning on blogging about this. I was home on my lunch break when I was suddenly struck with the undeniable urge to consume chocolate. Every once in awhile I have a calling for it that I cannot deny (ladies, you know what I'm talking about) so I opened the lid of the Reebox shoebox and pondered what snack would satisfy my desire. "Tim Tam; Chewy Caramel"--they were sitting at the top of the stack. Destiny.

Unlike my careful, apprehensive approach with the first pack of Tim Tams, I tore this one open without hesitation. I didn't even bother sniffing them this time. It was chocolate, I craved chocolate, and I didn't need to smell it to know I wanted to eat it. I grabbed a biscuit, stuffed the rest back in the pack, and continued to scrounge the kitchen for something to eat for lunch. I mindlessly stuck the corner of the Tim Tam in my mouth and bit.

I was completely taken off guard. My pupils dilated. Suddenly, everything was more vivid and colorful and amazing. It was as if every item in my kitchen came to life to celebrate the consumption of this delicious creation, cheering me on with every chew. Even the dogs came in  the kitchen, sat at my feet, and watched me (I suspected they were sensing my overwhelming joy). I welcomed the unexpected surprise--but I wanted to focus exclusively on the party in my mouth, so I closed my eyes and savored the experience.
 Crunchy...chewy...creamy...It was like a Tag-a-long* had sex with a Twix bar and birthed the most fantastical of things anyone could ever consume.
I was (am) overjoyed with these things and I'm saddened I only have one package to my name. I knew I mustn't let Hubs in on the secret. I didn't want to share. So I made the package as inconspicuous as possible and stuck them in the refrigerator.

Let me tell you all this magical secret that my supplier shared with me--the only thing better than a caramel Tim Tam is a refrigerated caramel Tim Tam, which I got to sample this evening after work.

Oh. My. Lanta.

The chewiness of the caramel stays chewy while the crunchiness gets crunchier and somehow the outside layer of chocolate instantly melts in your mouth when you bite in.

I now know God exists because caramel Tim Tams do.

*For my Aussie readers: Tag-a-longs are American cookies created by The Girl Scouts of America. These collection of cookies (Tag-A-Longs (peanut butter, cookie, and chocolate) are just one variety) are only available for a limited time once a year. Other types include Trefoils (a butter cookie), Thin Mints (chocolate and mint), and Samoas (chocolate, caramel, and coconut).


  1. I found arnotts carmel chocolate biscuits with similar packaging?? Are they the same!? YOUR MISSION IS TO FIND OUT! <3

  2. Yay!!!!!!!! I'm glad you love them. I tend to buy several packets at a time and can polish off a whole pack at once. I agree with the twix thing - I'd never made that comparison but you're completely right.

  3. ROFL I just realised the "NOT" timtam thing. Epic.

  4. I will find a world market equivalent after this diet thing is over...

  5. Thanks supplier! I know what you mean. If not watching what i ate i could easily kill a pack or two of these in one sitting. My inner fatty really wants to.
